Staff Directory


Photo of Ike Hanna

Ike Hanna


Phone: 403-342-4800 (Ext. 263399)

Photo of Curtis Lansing

Curtis Lansing

Vice Principal - Grade 10

Phone: 403-342-4800 (Ext. 263213)

Photo of Vanessa Letourneau

Vanessa Letourneau

Vice Principal - Grade 11

Phone: 403-342-4800 (ext 263243)

Photo of Josh Keith

Josh Keith

Vice Principal - Grade 12

Phone: 403-342-4800 (Ext. 263208)

Administrative Assistants

Photo of Sheryl Campbell

Sheryl Campbell

Financial Secretary

Phone: 403-342-4800 (ext 263205)

placeholder image for Emily MacQuarrie

Emily MacQuarrie

Administrative Assistant

Phone: Phone: 403-342-4800 (ext 263200)

Student Services

Photo of Melanie Roth

Melanie Roth

Counsellor - Grade 10

Photo of Miguel Deschenes

Miguel Deschenes

Counsellor - Grade 11

Photo of Jill Meraw

Jill Meraw

Counsellor - Grade 12

Photo of Brandy Groundwater

Brandy Groundwater

Career Counsellor

Teaching Staff

Photo of Michael Allan

Michael Allan

Teacher: Physics 20, Physics 30

Photo of Nethalie Avila

Nethalie Avila

Teacher: Graphic Design 20/30, Biology 20, Science 10

Photo of Julie Baker

Julie Baker

Teacher: English 10-1, English 30-1, English 30-2, Food Studies 10-3

Photo of Tom Berry

Tom Berry

Teacher: Auto Mechanics 20-4, Design Studies 10, Design Studies 20/30

Photo of Corey Borys

Corey Borys

Teacher: Learning Strats Math, Math 30-1

Photo of Sean Boyne

Sean Boyne

Teacher: English 20-1, English 20-2

Photo of Tim Brehaut

Tim Brehaut

Teacher: Band, Math 30-3

Photo of Peter Brockmann

Peter Brockmann

Teacher: Social 10-1, Social 10-4, Social 30-2

Photo of Jill Broker

Jill Broker

Teacher: Esthetics 10, Esthetics 20/30, Cosmetology 10

Photo of Jennifer Cocolicchio

Jennifer Cocolicchio

Teacher: One Acts, Art 10, Art 20/30

Photo of Angelo Dellisanti

Angelo Dellisanti

Teacher: (Online) Biology 20/30, Chemistry 20/30, Physics 30, RS 35, Science 10/24/30

Photo of Alex Elkins

Alex Elkins

Teacher: Math 10C, Math 20-1

Photo of Madeleine Escobar

Madeleine Escobar

Teacher (French Immersion): Math 30-1, Math 20-1

Photo of Bronte Finnigan

Bronte Finnigan

Teacher: Food Studies 10, Food Studies 20

placeholder image for Eloise Gunns-Madsen

Eloise Gunns-Madsen

Teacher: (Online) English, RS 25

Photo of Dale Henderson

Dale Henderson

Teacher: Math 30-1, Math 30-2, Math 31

Photo of Jack Hubbell

Jack Hubbell

Teacher: Math 20-1, Robotics 10-3

Photo of Angela Hunter

Angela Hunter

Teacher: Physics 20, Physics 30

Photo of Christopher Jaeger

Christopher Jaeger

Teacher: Social 20-1

Photo of Courtney Jasper

Courtney Jasper

Teacher: Biology 20, Biology 30, Psychology 20

Photo of Larkin Joevenazzo

Larkin Joevenazzo

Teacher: Science 10, Science 14, RS 15

Photo of Rebecca Lajeunesse

Rebecca Lajeunesse

Teacher: Blended Science, Blended Social, Blended Life & Social Skills, ESL Expository English 15

Photo of Sara Lambert

Sara Lambert

Teacher (French Immersion): FLA 30-1/30-2, FLA 20-1/20-2

Photo of Stephanie Layden (On Leave)

Stephanie Layden (On Leave)

Teacher: Creative Writing, Dance 15/25/35-3, English 10-1, Psychology 20

Photo of Michael Leenstra

Michael Leenstra

Teacher: Construction Skills 10, CALM, Woodworking & Cabinetry 20-4/30-4

Photo of Jeff Lerouge

Jeff Lerouge

Teacher: Dual Credit, Work Experience

Photo of Connie Letwin

Connie Letwin

Teacher: Spanish 10, Spanish 20/30, English 30-2

Photo of Erik Lodge

Erik Lodge

Teacher: Hockey Academy, PE 10/20/30-5 (Online)

Photo of Edmund Major

Edmund Major

Teacher: Science 20, Science 30, Wildlife Outdoor Ed

Photo of Bob Marsh

Bob Marsh

Teacher: Social 30-1, Social 30-2

Photo of Erin McCorquindale

Erin McCorquindale

Teacher: Blended Social, Blended Science, Blended Life & Social Skills

placeholder image for Tracey Millar

Tracey Millar

Teacher: Dual Credit, RAP

Photo of Joel Pelletier

Joel Pelletier

Teacher: (French Immersion) Carriere et Vie, Math 10C, FLA 20-1/20-2,

Photo of Stuart Poulin

Stuart Poulin

Teacher: Medical Studies 20-3, Math 20-4, Math 10C

Photo of Amber Powers

Amber Powers

Teacher: Biology 20, Biology 30

Photo of Ian Rattan

Ian Rattan

Teacher: PE 10, PE 20, Sports Medicine

placeholder image for Lauren Schmucker

Lauren Schmucker

Teacher: Math 10C

Photo of Shari-Lynn Skinner

Shari-Lynn Skinner

Teacher (Online): Social 20-1/20-2/30-2/30-2 RS 35, Food Studies, Legal Studies, World Geography 30

Photo of Jennifer Smith

Jennifer Smith

Teacher: English 20-4, Workplace Readiness 10-4

Photo of Bradley Smith

Bradley Smith

Teacher: Mechanics 10, Mechanics 20/30

Photo of Alison Snow

Alison Snow

Teacher: Sr. Foundations Math, Sr. Foundations English, Sr. Foundations, Sr. Foundations Life & Social Skills

Photo of Kirsten Sorensen

Kirsten Sorensen

Teacher: Chemistry 20, Chemistry 30, Sr. Foundations PE, Sports Performance

Photo of Dean Stevens

Dean Stevens

Teacher: Social 30-1

Photo of Shari Sullivan

Shari Sullivan

Teacher: English 10-1, English 20-1, RS 15

Photo of Erica Tessari

Erica Tessari

Teacher: English 30-1

Photo of Miranda Tonery

Miranda Tonery

Teacher: English 10-1, English 10-2, RS 35

Photo of Brice Unland

Brice Unland

Teacher: Social 20-1, Computer Science 20/30

Photo of Jose Vallecillos

Jose Vallecillos

Teacher: Math 15-5/10C, Math 30-2

Photo of James Ward

James Ward

Teacher: Biology 20, Biology 30, Forensic Studies 25

Photo of Liesha Williamson

Liesha Williamson

Teacher: Social 20-2, Social 10-2, Special Projects

Photo of Raylene Wimberley

Raylene Wimberley

Teacher: Chemistry 20, Science 10

Photo of Brett Wold

Brett Wold

Teacher: Hockey Academy

Photo of Janine Wolfe

Janine Wolfe

Teacher: Psychology 20, English 10-1, Financial Management 10

Photo of Jaden Wood

Jaden Wood

Teacher: Psychology 20, English 10-1, Financial Management

Photo of Dana Woroniuk

Dana Woroniuk

Teacher: PE 10, PE 30

Student Support Staff

Photo of Cheryl Kromm

Cheryl Kromm

Cafeteria Manager

Photo of Jeannette Manser

Jeannette Manser

Youth Minstry

Photo of Shannon Nivens

Shannon Nivens

Events Coordinator

Photo of Elisabeth Pimental-Guzman

Elisabeth Pimental-Guzman


placeholder image for Donna Rae

Donna Rae


Photo of Marilyn Richard

Marilyn Richard

Counselling Office Administrator, Student Services

Photo of Ereny Rizk

Ereny Rizk

Assistant, Learning Commons

Photo of Deanna Stefaniuk

Deanna Stefaniuk

Student Support Center

Educational Assistants

Photo of Emily Annett

Emily Annett

Educational Assistant

Photo of Tracy Barnes

Tracy Barnes

Educational Assistant

Photo of Anna Berke

Anna Berke

Educational Assistant

Photo of Taylor Bilinski

Taylor Bilinski

Educational Assistant

Photo of Rachel Buck

Rachel Buck

Educational Assistant

Photo of Elise Budgell

Elise Budgell

Educational Assistant

Photo of Terry Finnigan

Mr. Terry Finnigan

Educational Assistant

Photo of Erin Gero

Erin Gero

Educational Assistant

Photo of Elizabeth Hedberg

Elizabeth Hedberg

Educational Assistant

Photo of Heather Jones

Heather Jones

Educational Assistant

Photo of Andrea Krzysik

Andrea Krzysik

Educational Assistant

Photo of Isaiah Lawrence

Isaiah Lawrence

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Pam Mazzerole

Pam Mazzerole

Educational Assistant

Photo of Sinead Mooney

Sinead Mooney

Educational Assistant

Photo of Elissa Organ

Elissa Organ

Educational Assistant

Photo of Maryrose Rodriguez

Maryrose Rodriguez

Educational Assistant

Photo of Sherry Schultz

Sherry Schultz

Educational Assistant