Exam Information

Student Test Reminders

  1. Know the date, time and location of each exam.
  2. Have a pen, pencil, eraser and calculator (if needed).
  3. Have photo ID with you.
  4. NO cell phones and NO electronics of any kind – leave in locker, car, etc.
  5. No smart watches.
  6. Please be on time.


Improving your mark

If a diploma exam has 2 parts, you must write (or rewrite) both parts of the diploma exam during the same diploma exam administration to earn credit for that diploma exam course. If this is impossible, talk to your principal or school counsellor.

You may repeat a diploma course without rewriting the diploma exam.

You may also rewrite a diploma exam without repeating the diploma course.

When you repeat a course or rewrite a diploma exam, your new Results Statement will list your most recently earned marks. Your new transcript, if you request one, will show only the highest diploma exam mark and highest school-awarded mark earned.

Rewrite fees

You must pay a rewrite fee for any diploma exam that you rewrite in the same diploma course any time since September 1, 2016.

If students are rewriting a diploma exam they must pay a rewrite fee of $26.25 (including GST) per exam. The write fee for non‑funded visiting students is $50.00 (including GST) per exam.

The rewrite fee is non‑refundable and cannot be transferred to other diploma exams or other diploma exam administrations even if the diploma exam is not written.

Rewrite fees can be paid online using myPass or by cheque or money order in the mail made payable to the “Government of Alberta”.

Payment must be submitted and received prior to the exam date.