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Angela Danyau

Photo of Angela Danyau

Educational Assistant

Mrs. Danyau worked 12 years as manager for a payday loan company, which took her into banking. There she worked for 10 years before they moved to Red Deer. She stayed at home with her kids until she took the leap that she should have many years ago into education and now she couldn't be happier.

Born and raised in Calgary, she lived there up until 5-6 years ago when they decided to move to Red Deer - which is where her husband grew up - to be closer to family. She has three kids ages 10, 7, and 5. Between herself and her husband, they have a HUGE family. They have three pets: two cats, and one dog. When she's not working or mom-ing you'll find Mrs Danyau in the garden.

"Be true to yourself!"