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Reid Mills

Photo of Reid Mills

Teacher: (Athletic Director) Learning Strats, PE 20-5, Sr. Foundations PE, CALM

This is Mr Mills' 3rd year teaching, and 1st year as athletic director at Notre Dame. He has always taught in the area of Physical Education and Athletics, and loves every second that he gets to help students achieve their fitness and athletic goals. He is excited to support athletes in his new role as Athletic Director this year, and hopes to continue fostering a strong program for NDHS.

When he's not teaching, you can find him coaching basketball or running HYPE Hoops here in Red Deer, playing basketball, hanging out with his wife and new puppy, or playing video games.

Mr Mills' wish for this year is that students and student athletes have a year of growth with support from staff, coaches, and parents. He's excited to play his role in developing respectful, hard-working students.